Travels in England during the reign of Queen

Paul Hentzner


1892. First published in Germany in 1612.

(Chapter heading):

(Page number): 25

They are powerful in the field, successful
against their enemies, impatient of anything
like slavery; vastly fond of great noises that fill
the ear, such as the firing of cannon, drums,
and the ringing of bells, so that it is common for
a number of them, that have got a glass in their
heads, to go up into the belfry, and ring the
bells for hours together for the sake of exercise.
If they see a foreigner very well made, or
particularly handsome, they will say, "It is a pity
he is not an Englishman!"

Extracted from a Project Gutenberg etext transcribed from
the 1892 Cassell & Co. edition by Jane Duff and proofed
by David Price, email ccx074@coventry.ac.uk.
Travels in England during the reign of Queen
Elizabeth by Paul Hentzner AND Fragmenta
Regalia by Sir Robert Naunton. 1892 Cassell

(from the Introduction signed "H.M".):
Paul Hentzner was a German lawyer, born at
Crossen, in Brandenburg, on the 29th of
January, 1558. He died on the 1st January,
1623. In 1596, when his age was thirty-eight,
he became tutor to a young Silesian nobleman,
with whom he set out in 1597 on a three years'
tour through Switzerland, France, England, and
Italy. After his return to Germany in 1600, he
published, at Nuremberg, in 1612, a description
of what he had seen and thought worth record,
written in Latin, as "Itinerarium Germaniae,
Galliae, Angliae, Italiae, cum Indice Locorum,
Rerum atque Verborum."

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